You are buying 1 Sargent Crabapple 12-18 inch tall in a quart pot. This compact ornamental landscape tree is a spring star, with clusters of fragrant white flowers in May. Its spreading crown and zigzagging branches add to the appeal, often making the tree wider than it is tall. Because of its size the Sargent Crabapple is useful for planting under utility lines, small yards as privacy screens, hedges and on sloping ground. It is also a popular choice for bonsai. Hardy in zones 4-8We are a licensed nursery cert.#2235 in the state of TENNESSEE. We send planting instructions with every purchase.Sorry but we DO NOT ship toARIZONA. California orders should be placed while dormant OCT.-MARCH and will be shipped bare root due to soil restrictions.Thank you for looking at our items. |
Plants in winter months will be dormant with no leaves with the exception of evergreens